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Moonstone red ball gemstone ball
The size of this red feldspar ball is about 6.5 cm
Origin of this moonstone ball is Madagascar
Feldspar is basically a mineral that is very common and a component of many rocks.
Therefore there are also very many synonyms: Microfelsite, Variegated feldspar, Adular, Valencianite, Albite, Adinol, Albiclase, Analbite, Hyposclerite, Canadian Moonstone, Siliceous spar, Olafite,
Peristerite, tetartine, zygadite, andesine, pseudoalbite, antorthite, barsowite, beffanite, biotin, claciclase, cyclopite, lindsayite, sundvikite, thorsauite, anorthoclase, parorthoclase, soda microline, amazonite,
Sodium podumene, rhombic feldspar, arggyllite, felsite, orthose, icespar, rhyacolite, ......... these are by far not all
However, the probably best known feldspars are: moonstone, sunstone and labradorite
Small deposits of this particular red moonstone are found in Madagascar.
Moonstone red stands for inspiration, is said to help express and live feelings and expand horizons
Moonstone red is said to promote fertility and bring hormonal cycles into balance, is a sought-after women's stone