Lemurian crystal

- Order number: KE2147483939
Lemurian crystal
The rock crystal Lem ure is about 14 cm long and has a diameter of about 6 cm
completely natural
Lemurianrock cryst als are found exclusively in Serra do Gabral, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Typical for these Lemurian seed crystals are the horizontal grooves on the sides.
These Lemurian crystals are excellent for targeted treatment in light work and for releasing energy blockages
The Legend of the Lemurian Seed Crystals
In the last days of Lemuria it was decided to program crystals with a message of unity and the Lemurians then seeded these crystals.
They then left this planet to travel to other star systems.
Others went to inner Earth where they continued to telepathically care for Mother Earth and the crystal seeds.
So the crystals are thus connected to the inner earth, the surface of the earth, the stars and the various magnetic fields.
And each crystal seed is also energetically connected to all the others.
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