- Order number: KE2147484590
Pyramid of rock crystal slightly smoky
Edge length: about 7.2 cm Height: about 5.5 cm slightly smoky
Origin: Brazil
in places very clear, in places with small clouds and lively turbidity, in which the light can break in a rainbow.
A rock crystal pyramid is a beautiful piece of natural stone known for its healing and cleansing properties.
Rock crystal has been used in spiritual practice for thousands of years and is considered a symbol of clarity and purity.
The pyramid shape amplifies its energy and can help cleanse the space in which it is placed of negative energies.
This pyramid from Brazil features high clarity and purity, and its natural inclusions and color variations make it a unique work of art.
Use it in your home or office to create a positive atmosphere, or place it on your chakra centers to activate and purify your energy.
Either way, the rock crystal pyramid from Brazil is a wonderful piece of nature,
that is valued for both its beauty and spiritual properties.
Pyramids are considered to be focusing and soaring, and extremely powerful symbols.
The rock crystal represents clarity and neutrality