Kyanite Disthene rough stone

- Order number: KE2147484266
Disthene rough stone
Gemstone: Cyanite - Disthene blue
Shape: Natural crystal design
Origin: Brazil
Size of the gemstone: about 8 x 3 x 2 cm
Color: sky blue
Cyanite, kyanite and disthene are synonyms of equal rank for this mineral and mean "blue" and "double hardness".
Due to its name the predominant color blue can already be read out.
Significant occurrences are in Brazil, Australia, India and Kenya.
This disthene comes from Brazil.
You buy exactly this shown disthene
Disthene is highly valued, especially among collectors.
Recently, however, disthene has also established itself as a healing stone.
This disthene rough stone is only conditionally suitable for grinding, as it forms mica-like crystals, but is very weather resistant.
As a natural stone and healing stone with natural energy, this disthene is excellent.
Disthene promotes the completion of life's task, helps to remain capable of action in extreme situations and promotes logical-rational thinking and decisive action.
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